
Building Experts Daily

Colonnade is a new collection of expert-led classes focusing on the most powerful concepts for managing and operating the built environment. The virtual courses can be purchased and completed from anywhere in the world. This is not just another webinar where you log on, mute yourself, and listen to someone drone on for a few hours as you struggle to pay attention. Colonnade uses an interactive approach, consisting of lively discussions, activities, and games to encourage participation and enhance the learning experience.

Why you'll love it

In a mere eight hours, we cover more ground than a typical self-directed learner could scrounge up in a month.

Nothing can replace the best-practice-based technique and adaptive interactivity our instructors provide.

Enstoa brings knowledge from managing actual projects into the class with real-life scenarios.

We have more than a few tricks up our sleeve to keep eyes wide open and conversation lively in a virtual format.

Student Testimonials

The instructor did a great job answering all the questions we had. He was very kind, patient and professional. Great job!

-Kristi Kime, Contracting Officer, Oklahoma Office of Management and Enterprise Services

Great instructor!  The materials were presented in an easy to understand manner – he even provided real-time answers for us via chat.

-Cory Sherfield, Assistant Administrator, Oklahoma Department of Veterans Affairs

The instructor was amazing!  You need to clone her!

-Jennifer Sullivan, Project Coordinator, Yale New Haven Health

This is the best developed and presented training I have ever had.

-Eddie Abisaab, Project Manager

Overall, a helpful course to understand the atmosphere and work methodology.

-Abdul Qayyum, Senior Planning Engineer, AECOM

The student workbook and having the instructor there for direction were both really useful in class.

-Courtney Moore, Administrative Assistant, OMES/CAP

Common to all courses

Colonnade Course Kit
A few days before your course, we will drop ship a collection of goodies to help with class exercises and keep you energized.

2 four-hour sessions over two consecutive days (8 hours total). In these jam-packed sessions time doesn’t crawl by, it rockets past!

You'll need a computer and internet connection, as well as a way to share audio and video (typically your computer or smartphone).

Each course qualifies as 8 hours of Project Management Professional (PMP)® continuing education credits.

You'll leave class with the valuable knowledge and skills we covered throughout the course and the opportunity to make new business contacts with fellow students and instructors. Use our PDF filled with the topics, exercises, and notes covered in class to serve as an ongoing reference.


$349 USD per course

Want to purchase in bulk for a large number of team members? Please contact us.

  • Agile for Leaders

    Finally, find the value and benefits of the Agile approach to teams in your organization.

    Everyone has heard of “agile,” “scrum,” and “stand up.” But, what do they actually achieve, and how do you successfully implement them? This course takes a deep dive into the values and principles behind the popular Agile approach to project and team management, helping you leverage them within your own organization. Whether you are using this to enhance your digital transformation, enlighten your development team, or put the principles in place for streamlining processes, this interactive course will put you on a team as you journey through the Agile practices.

    Sample Topics

    Four Tenets of Agile

    Learn why Agile is an effective methodology for a variety of projects.

    Agile Team Roles

    Understand the roles of Product Owner, Scrum Master, and Team Members, and how they interact and work together.

    Compare Agile to Other Methodologies

    Uncover how Agile compares to other, more classic methodologies.

    Agile Components

    Go through all the areas of the process, including how to properly size and prioritize your product backlog, how to write effective user stories, how to plan your sprint and deliver results, and much more.


    Learn typical scrum rules and how to use these daily meetings to track progress and keep your team aligned and informed.

    Sprint Reviews & Retrospectives

    Find out how to facilitate conversations with stakeholders, handle changes and adjustments, and reflect on lessons learned.

    Agile: August 1 & 2 - (GMT:2pm - 6pm)
    Agile: Sept 10 & 11 - (GMT:2pm - 6pm)
    Agile: Oct 1 & 2 - (GMT:2pm - 6pm)
    Agile: Nov 5 & 6 - (GMT:2pm - 6pm)
  • AI: Machine Learning Essentials

    An engaging training course in the technique shaping the industry.

    It probably seems like not a day goes by without a dozen new articles from industry publications about the promise of machine learning for the management and construction of capital projects. But most of us have not taken the time to deeply understand how ML works and how it can work for us. This course will de-mystify ML and put you back on the cutting edge. To add some perspective, you’ll compete against the computer in some games. Who does a better job: humans or the computer? And in which scenarios? The answers may surprise you!

    Sample Topics

    AI / ML / DL - Say What?

    Learn the difference between Artificial Intelligence and Machine Learning, Deep and Shallow Learning, and between Supervised and Unsupervised Learning.

    Pattern Recognition

    Learn how images are being automatically analyzed to detect safety risks.

    Schedule and Portfolio Optimization

    Learn how to optimize the planning and delivery of even the most complex work schedules.

    Internet of Things

    Learn how activities and locations are being captured automatically.


    Learn how the number of building temperature change requests and anomalies can be predicted (hot/cold calls).

    Sensitivity Analysis

    Learn how to evaluate ML-generated results and automatically improve them.

    AI: July 4 & 5 - (GMT:2pm - 6pm)
    AI: Aug 8 & 9 - (GMT:2pm - 6pm)
    AI: Sept 3 & 4 - (GMT:2pm - 6pm)
    AI: Oct 3 & 4 - (GMT:2pm - 6pm)
  • Cost Management for Capital Projects

    Learn how to keep your projects on-time, on-budget, and on-quality

    Gain critical insights and experience best practices for effectively handling cost issues for your capital projects. This foundational course sets the groundwork for sound cost management principles within high profile capital projects. It takes you through all the lifecycle phases, discussing the various pitfalls, unraveling the terminology, and instilling best practices. Colonnade’s interactive format allows you to apply what you are learning in real-life scenarios. You’ll break into teams, analyze and work through cost scenarios from the concept phase through post-construction.

    Sample Topics


    “Allowance,” “budget,” “contingency,” and many more. Learn the “ABCs” of cost management by starting with the basics.

    Project Challenges

    Understand common project challenges and pitfalls within each phase so you can actively avoid them and plan around them from the start.

    5 Lifecycle Phases

    We’ll walk you through all five phases of capital projects: concept, design, pre-construction, construction, and post-construction and show you proven cost management techniques.

    Risks and Contingencies

    Understand risk identification and measurement and how to properly plan for contingencies and allowances to keep your project on track.

    Picking the Right Project Tools

    Discuss which tools you should use to enable a successful project and ensure you have the correct data to identify lessons learned effectively.

    Action Plan

    Review what you learned and identify real-life next steps for your organization.

    Cost: July 9 & 10 - (GMT:2pm - 6pm)
    Cost: August 6 & 7 - (GMT:2pm - 6pm)
    Cost: Sept 17 & 18 - (GMT:2pm - 6pm)
    Cost: Oct 8 & 9 - (GMT:2pm - 6pm)
  • Digital Transformation for Leaders

    Get past a superficial digital approach to power up your business.

    Digital is everywhere, right? Your phone, your keys, your home, your bank, your job. But electronic is not digital. Sure, your company has enterprise software and maybe even some integrations with other systems. But just substituting processes based on paper, pen and staples with screen, keyboard, and mouse is not digital transformation. True digital transformation transforms your strategy, your people, your competitiveness. This course reveals what it takes to realize digital transformation; what's it going to cost, how long will it take, what technology is needed, how to achieve ROI, and how to sustain it. And it doesn't stop there - all aboard! We'll embark on a treasure hunt, competing against your classmates to find household items and "transform" them in interesting ways!

    Sample Topics

    Tech Savvy Resources

    Establish clear accountability, precision and accuracy, as well as baseline technical and business skills to thrive in a digital environment.

    Processes Innovation

    Transform existing processes into fully digital sources of revenue and efficiency.

    Technology Architecture

    Become versed in tech terms like cloud, performance, security, and APIs so you can deal intelligently with IT and suppliers.

    Data Governance

    Align your two primary assets, people and data, to activate efficiency and effectiveness.

    Integrated Systems

    Make the right system purchases and integrate only where truly needed.

    Effective Analysis and Reporting

    Utilize data, analytics, and algorithms for fluid decision-making.

    DT: July 16 & 17 - (GMT:2 pm - 6 pm)
    DT: Aug 15 & 16 - (GMT:2 pm - 6 pm)
    DT: Sept 24 & 25 - (GMT:2 pm - 6 pm)
    DT: Oct 15 & 16 - (GMT:2 pm - 6 pm)
  • Facilities Asset Management Essentials

    Increasing the value of your CMMS package.

    Digitizing your asset management program is a difficult task. It requires rethinking how you classify your data and managing it daily.  But asset management can be a bit like going on a massive scavenger hunt with missing or unreadable instructions: frustrating and time-consuming. This class provides a blueprint to transform your facilities engineering function optimally.  After taking this class, you will finally be able to move down the right path and find success as you move from a work-order-driven team to an asset-management focused team.

    Sample Topics

    Key Asset Management Components

    Learn to identify and structure the organizational components needed for a successful facilities asset management program.

    What is Reliability Centered Maintenance (RCM)?

    Identify the drivers that should underpin your organization’s asset management program, such as cost reduction, risk reduction, reliability increase, and regulatory compliance. 

    Components of an Enterprise Asset Management package or Computerized Maintenance Management System

    There are many excellent EAM/CMMS solutions on the market. Understand the criteria that are crucial for you in selecting, implementing, and using the software. 

    Data Standards: Asset Classifications & Programs for Inspection, Testing & Maintenance  

    The biggest asset of a successful asset management program is its data. Learn how to structure the data to maximize its use for analytics.

    Asset Identification: Barcodes, QR Codes, and RFIDs

    Dissecting building infrastructure into individual systems and assets can be complicated. Learn how to set-up an asset identification program that drives consistency.

    Metrics for Asset Management

    See examples of key performance indicators that you can use to drive your decisions. Learn how to drive workforce performance, manage supplier contracts, predict failures, and anticipate facilities service issues.

    Asset: July 11 & 12 - (GMT:2pm - 6pm)
    Asset: Aug 13 & 14 - (GMT:2pm - 6pm)
    Asset: Sept 19 & 20 - (GMT:2pm - 6pm)
    Asset: Oct 10 & 11 - (GMT:2pm - 6pm)
  • Implementing Owners' BIM

    Organize and use building information to manage your organization’s physical environment more effectively.

    While the construction industry has embraced Building Information Modelling (BIM), building owners have been slow to do so. There are good reasons for this slow adoption rate, but it’s time for business owners to harness the power of BIM. In this class, you’ll learn how owners can set up lean BIM to better manage their real estate and facilities portfolio while improving maintenance and reducing cost. Then you’ll put what you learned to the test by interpreting data using a 3D drawing pen. 

    Sample Topics

    What is BIM for Construction?

    Understand how construction teams use 2D, 3D, 4D, and 5D to solve design problems before they become issues on the construction site.

    How is BIM for Construction Different from BIM for Owners?

    Maintaining data comes at a cost. Learn how to identify a lean data set designed to address a Real Estate Owner's business needs.

    Financial Aspects of Facility and Real Estate Asset Management

    Owners have large amounts of asset investments in their built environment. We will explore the economics of managing facilities and how to make a business case for proper asset management.

    Data Strategy

    Learn how to identify and set up categorization schemas to effectively and efficiently translate your building’s structures into meaningful information.

    Organizing for Success

    Understand what skills and team structures are needed to ensure your owner-centric building information is properly maintained on an ongoing basis.

    Leveraging data to drive decisions

    See examples of how data is used to effectively drive management decisions in facilities management. 

    BIM: July 18 & 19 - (GMT:2pm - 6pm)
    BIM: Aug 20 & 21 - (GMT:2pm - 6pm)
    BIM: Sept 5 & 6 - (GMT:2pm - 6pm)
    BIM: Oct 17 & 18 - (GMT:2pm - 6pm)
  • Principles of Facilities Management Analytics

    Leverage the data of your EAM/CMMS package for actionable analysis.

    Few organizations can use metrics effectively, much less rely on them to drive their business.  In this data-driven world, it’s like trying to put together a giant puzzle when the pieces are blurry and indistinct.  It’s not only frustrating and time-consuming, but it also makes you want to force pieces into places they don’t belong, causing more critical problems. This class provides an introduction to properly using Enterprise Asset Management or Computerized Maintenance Management System data to generate analyses. See all those puzzle pieces come into focus and come together correctly, showing the big picture that can help drive your business past your competition.

    Sample Topics 

    Key Asset Management Components

    Learn to identify and structure the organizational components needed for a successful facilities asset management program.

    3 Types of Analytics

    Understand the difference between the three types of analytics: Descriptive, Predictive, and Prescriptive.

    What are the data sources?

    Understand the data sets available for Facilities Engineers, how they interrelate, and how you can best use them.

    Data Strategy and Standards

    Learn how to develop a data strategy so that your organization can standardize its dataset to facilitate integration and analysis.

    Actionable Analytics

    Using examples of descriptive, predictive, and prescriptive analyses, understand the purpose of the analysis and the actions they are meant to drive.

    Managing Change

    Learn how to help your organization understand the value of data, maintain it, and change the culture to take advantage of the data.


    Analytics: July 23 & 24 - (GMT:2pm - 6pm)
    Analytics: Aug 22 & 23 - (GMT:2pm - 6pm)
    Analytics: Sept 26 & 27 - (GMT:2pm - 6pm)
    Analytics: Oct 22 & 23 - (GMT:2pm - 6pm)
  • Project Scheduling Principles

    Your journey to project scheduling mastery begins here.

    You've already got the basics you say? So then meeting budgets must be no problem. Resources are easy to predict. And of course, the critical path is clear, and your baseline, durations and percentage complete are accurate. Well, maybe there’s more to the "basics" than first meets the eye. This course lays a strong foundation in best-practice, modern scheduling concepts, setting you up to be a scheduler far above average. Put your scheduling skills to the test while building virtual buildings. Race against the clock and watch out for natural disasters!

    Sample Topics

    Terminology, roles, process

    "Fragnet," "hammock," "negative float," "sponsors," "cost engineers," "development," "maintenance," "control": these are but a few of the concepts we define and explore relationships among.

    Managing resources

    Ensure that resources are truly resources, that is, things that help the schedule, not hurt.

    Utilizing baselines

    Tracking progress the right way.

    Schedule analysis

    Identify trends signaling potential delays and future schedule issues.

    Quality checking

    Clean up the chief cause of schedule drift, like faulty logic, poor detail, and false resources.

    Effective communications

    Transmittals, submittals, reports, presentations all play vital roles in keeping your schedule useful and consistent.

    Scheduling: July 25 & 26 - (GMT 2pm - 6pm)
    Scheduling: Aug 27 & 28 - (GMT 2pm - 6pm)
    Scheduling: Sept 12 & 13 - (GMT 2pm - 6pm)
    Scheduling: Oct 24 & 25 - (GMT 2pm - 6pm)