As a tech company, how does Enstoa engineer in innovation and dynamic thinking? We strive to create teams made up of individuals that don’t think the same. We like our teams to consist of individuals with different backgrounds, ideals, anxieties, experiences, and personalities. We fear group-think and have a core belief that heterogeneous teams always outperform homogeneous teams.
Is the S-Curve a myth?
CEO of Enstoa
The future project organization is data-driven and will innovate new ways of planning and forecasting. It is large collections of data – e.g “Big Data” – and decision making software that will enable this new way of working.
The Cart Before the Project System
Capital Controller
“Great to finally meet, Niall, I’m Tom.” This was the last of my three interviews for a Project Control Manager position at a well-known energy company. It also proved the most interesting, as Tom was the outgoing Project Control Manager.