When the world’s open for business, will you be ready?
Director of Learning Services
If you’re like me, you’ve had an influx of webinars and online training invites in your email inbox the past few months. I understand why. Companies everywhere are moving to a remote setting, making schedules a bit more flexible to fit them in. Plus, with the economic challenges the world is currently facing, many people are looking for ways to inject new life into their business, while others are looking for ways to inject new life into their resumes as they worry about the potential of future layoffs. But most webinars or online training sessions follow the same dull format: a speaker talks over a PowerPoint as students are all set to mute and turn their cameras off. The problem with that is, many times, the next thing the students “turn off” is their ears.
Death by PowerPoint
As the Director of Learning Services at Enstoa, professional education has been my passion and my career for many years. And like you, I enjoy learning new things and expanding my own knowledge and skills when possible. Last year, I signed up for a training course that I was really excited about, but when I got to class, I found out that the instructor’s teaching style was anything but exciting. Don’t get me wrong; I think a well-used PowerPoint to add a visual aspect and flow to a class can be very useful. But in this particular class, the instructor hit all the main points in the first few slides, then continued to ramble on and on over their PowerPoint for the next two hours. I’m going to be honest, I tapped out. I started multi-tasking by responding to my emails and working through everything else I had tacked on to my ever-growing to-do list.
Death by PowerPoint is a very real, very prominent silent killer sweeping the education and professional development industry. Any time I’m sitting in the “student” role of a class, I’m reminded of how important delivery is. The delivery of your lesson is just as — if not more — important than the actual content itself.
If you’re going to give a few hours out of your busy day (not to mention a monetary investment) to take a training course, you don’t want to fight to stay awake. I keep this top of mind whenever I’m developing new training courses for Enstoa, to ensure my students remain engaged. How can I incorporate more hands-on activities? How can I ensure they transfer knowledge from the classroom to their work? How can I use fun games and other activities to strengthen the learning? How can I turn this into more of a conversation and less of a lecture?
Colonnade provides a hands-on, practical experience
That is why we developed Colonnade, a collection of expert-led, virtual classes concentrating on the most powerful concepts for managing and operating the built environment. Whether you’re a leader, guiding your team through this rough patch, or you’re more of an individual contributor looking for ways to make yourself an indispensable asset to your company, we’ve got courses to help you add significant value to any organization.
The topics we cover, such as Digital Transformation and Machine Learning, are essential to growing any business, especially during these uncertain times. And just as important, the unique way we cover the material will keep you engaged and provide you with the hands-on, practical experience to hit the ground running and implement the concepts in your organization and career.
It’s no question that there are a lot of unknowns right now. So during the lockdown, use this unique time to unlock critical business knowledge. So when the world opens back up, you’ll be ready.
Colonnade courses are $349 USD each.
Author Bio
Karla Watts, Director of Learning Services, is responsible for professional education across Enstoa’s portfolio of projects. With over 20 years of experience working in corporate education, as well as project and product management for high-tech software companies, Karla is an expert at aligning employee and customer needs with business strategies by implementing fun, innovative professional training programs.
If you’re like me, you’ve had an influx of webinars and online training invites in your email inbox the past few months. I understand why. Companies everywhere are moving to a remote setting, making schedules a bit more flexible to fit them in. Plus, with the economic challenges the world is currently facing, many people are looking for ways to inject new life into their business, while others are looking for ways to inject new life into their resumes as they worry about the potential of future layoffs. But most webinars or online training sessions follow the same dull format: a speaker talks over a PowerPoint as students are all set to mute and turn their cameras off. The problem with that is, many times, the next thing the students “turn off” is their ears.
Death by PowerPoint
As the Director of Learning Services at Enstoa, professional education has been my passion and my career for many years. And like you, I enjoy learning new things and expanding my own knowledge and skills when possible. Last year, I signed up for a training course that I was really excited about, but when I got to class, I found out that the instructor’s teaching style was anything but exciting. Don’t get me wrong; I think a well-used PowerPoint to add a visual aspect and flow to a class can be very useful. But in this particular class, the instructor hit all the main points in the first few slides, then continued to ramble on and on over their PowerPoint for the next two hours. I’m going to be honest, I tapped out. I started multi-tasking by responding to my emails and working through everything else I had tacked on to my ever-growing to-do list.
Death by PowerPoint is a very real, very prominent silent killer sweeping the education and professional development industry. Any time I’m sitting in the “student” role of a class, I’m reminded of how important delivery is. The delivery of your lesson is just as — if not more — important than the actual content itself.
If you’re going to give a few hours out of your busy day (not to mention a monetary investment) to take a training course, you don’t want to fight to stay awake. I keep this top of mind whenever I’m developing new training courses for Enstoa, to ensure my students remain engaged. How can I incorporate more hands-on activities? How can I ensure they transfer knowledge from the classroom to their work? How can I use fun games and other activities to strengthen the learning? How can I turn this into more of a conversation and less of a lecture?
Colonnade provides a hands-on, practical experience
That is why we developed Colonnade, a collection of expert-led, virtual classes concentrating on the most powerful concepts for managing and operating the built environment. Whether you’re a leader, guiding your team through this rough patch, or you’re more of an individual contributor looking for ways to make yourself an indispensable asset to your company, we’ve got courses to help you add significant value to any organization.
The topics we cover, such as Digital Transformation and Machine Learning, are essential to growing any business, especially during these uncertain times. And just as important, the unique way we cover the material will keep you engaged and provide you with the hands-on, practical experience to hit the ground running and implement the concepts in your organization and career.
It’s no question that there are a lot of unknowns right now. So during the lockdown, use this unique time to unlock critical business knowledge. So when the world opens back up, you’ll be ready.
Colonnade courses are $349 USD each.
Author Bio
Karla Watts, Director of Learning Services, is responsible for professional education across Enstoa’s portfolio of projects. With over 20 years of experience working in corporate education, as well as project and product management for high-tech software companies, Karla is an expert at aligning employee and customer needs with business strategies by implementing fun, innovative professional training programs.