Enstoa Events

Project Controls Expo 2018

Project Controls Expo 2018

London, UK

Enstoa is co-sponsoring the upcoming Project Controls Expo 2018 in London. If you are planning to attend the event, do make sure to meet with Enstoa's team. 

This event is the only, and largest, project controls event dedicated to its advancement and with the objective of providing significant practical and theoretical awareness on its process, tools and techniques to its stakeholders. The above objective is achieved by bringing practitioners, employers, customers, and suppliers together to share knowledge, experience, best practices, career development, and software tools under one roof.

Presentation: Maximising the success of your capital projects through integer programming models.
Speakers: Michael Goggin and Michael Matošin
Wednesday, November 14th, 10:45 AM - 11:30 AM

Summary: Capital Project portfolio planning is the process of selecting, from a large set of potential projects, some subset that best achieves organizational objectives and then scheduling these projects over some known time horizon so as to maximally leverage organizational resources. In general, both tasks -- project selection and scheduling -- are highly related and interdependent. Given limited resources (availability of funding, labor capacity, physical space, time, etc.), the selection of a particular project will have consequences for the scheduling of all others. Similarly, the scheduling of a single project has consequences as to which others can feasibly be selected. The capital project portfolio planning problem has a simultaneous nature: project selection and scheduling must be determined in a single step. Ignoring the simultaneity of the problem (by, for example, first selecting then scheduling projects in a portfolio) can lead to outcomes that are far from optimal. This presentation provides an overview of a novel formulation of a standard integer programming approach that returns the optimal portfolio plan from the collection of all feasible project selections and schedules.


Learn more about the event here.