Enstoa News

Massive Disruption Required to Save the Construction Industry

Massive Disruption Required to Save the Construction Industry

The construction industry has reached a tipping point. The older generation is retiring at a growing rate, taking with them decades of invaluable knowledge and expertise. Without massive disruption, the industry will soon struggle to meet ongoing demand. As more senior professionals transition out, a new generation with a new mindset is entering the workforce. The challenge is the loss of knowledge, but the opportunity lies in a new perspective.

Smart Cities May Stall, But Smarter Communities Are Surging

Smart Cities May Stall, But Smarter Communities Are Surging

The road to cities that know your needs may appear inviting, but be sure you know the way 

By Tom Sawyer

A vision of the future with smart, efficient, utopian, technology-empowered “smart cities” has gleamed on the horizon for years. The concept offers vague promises that all of a city’s infrastructure and operations will be connecting, communicating and automatically adjusting facilities and services to deliver ever higher levels of satisfaction and efficiency.